Monday, March 30, 2009

Remebering London & Paris's about time I got around to updating this blog, huh. It just took me a while to re-adjust after that awesome whirlwind of a trip over spring break. London and Paris were overflowing with history, art, monuments, amazing architecture, famous buildings and places. We walked, and walked and walked (averaging 11-15 miles a day) from early morning to late in the evening taking in everything we could while we could. There were sights to see, local cuisine to taste and smells to um, well....uh some we would rather just forget.....moving along. Our group was so fun to travel with and we all made memories and friendships that we will carry with us forever. To all of our friends and family who prayed for us while we were away, Thank You! we love you and we are happy to be home. Here are just a few pics from the journey that show a variety of the things we saw and did (out of about 1,300 total pictures taken) :)

P.S. One place I didn't post a picture of was the Palace of Versailles (definitely google this one, it's incredible!)

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