Monday, March 2, 2009

Time for Another Art Post

Please feel free to share your critiques, as always.

Ok, well this first one is a ceramic platter. It has an impressed pattern on the surface. Pretty basic, but I think I want to try more platters later using the slab rolling table at the Art House in McKinney and do some more unusual shapes and experimental glazes. wheels are turning, better keep going.
This next one is a silhouette style acrylic painting that I did for Kendall & Stephanie for Christmas this year.
This one is another acrylic painting but it has more texture to it. It was a present for Brenda and Monte for Christmas and was based on a photo that they took on their anniversary trip in Cape Cod in 2008.

This last one is an oil painting that I did partly as a demonstration piece for my students recently in class. It incorporates using modeling paste and acrylic gel medium to build up texture in the drawing on the canvas and then letting it dry completely before doing the actual oil painting on top.
I call her the "Scarlett Peacock" and I added some very fine red glitter in her feathers and her "crown" to maker her sparkle.

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