Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rainy Day Art Post

It's a wonderful cold rainy day here and I really feel like I need to make something in my crock pot and bake something tonight.... mmmm.

Well, I thought I'd post some Art today. I recently rearranged my studio a little bit and I really like the new set-up. Here's what it looks like (while it's all still really clean and I don't have projects and supplies haphazardly strewn all over the place).

I also have been practicing some up-cycling with old clothing lately.
Here is one project I especially enjoyed.
I took a t-shirt that I never wore and did some creative cutting....

Then re-attaching in a new way...... and here's the result.

Ok, well that's all for now. Have a fantastic day. I'm going back to daydreaming of yummy comfort foods to start cooking. I LOVE this cool Fall weather..... now if I could only stay home all day in my jammies and really enjoy it. ;) Here's looking forward to Thanksgiving Break!