Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thick, Textured Abstract Painting of Flowers

Calling all painters!
Beginners to experienced artists, if you have never cranked up your favorite music and completely let go with your artwork here is something you've got to try!

It is exhilirating to abandon all "careful attention to detail" to squeeze thick paint directly on the canvas, swirl and slash it loosly around with a palette knife or rough brush to create an abstract image with tons of movement and texture!

Tip: No overmixing or overblending allowed! It may take some practice to learn when to stop. But I encourage you to approach it like a child getting to do something for the very first time - with excitement and abandon and not intimidation. Have FUN!!!

Here is my example. A painting I created for a friend. Her Requirements: match these rich bold accent colors (red/orange, navy/blues, cream) to tie in with living room decor, and make it abstract - loosly resemble flowers.
 I was so happy with the finished piece and so happy that she loved it too.
I will paint like this more often.

Once your artwork is complete it may take several days to dry since the paint is so thick.

Finish by painting the edges of the canvas or framing it.
ex: Mine has 1.5" thick edges that I painted black and there is no need for a frame, this gives a more modern feel.

A protective clear sealer can also be painted over the finished work when it is completely dry. Make sure you use something designed for artworks. Liquitex makes some great options matte or gloss.

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