Sunday, March 20, 2016

These Guys & Their Projects

These three guys love to have a project going. No. Seriously. It's an addiction I believe. And they especially love the opportunity to work on projects together. They are not only family, they are friends and construction buddies.....having worked together and separately on more projects than any of us could count. We are blessed to have them, even when they give us a hard time. I think. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. I guess we will keep them. xoxo

Here's a peek at one such project.
The railing for our deck got done at our house. LOVE! YAY!

We spray painted rebar black and used it in the railing.

Carley even got in on helping Nana paint some railing boards.

getting installed

*will come back to touch up paint, close in the space under the deck, and paint the top railing a dark shade of gray instead of white

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I'm so happy it's all coming together for you!
