Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kids Summer Art Camp - Part 2

Well, I had to be away from my computer for a while but I'm finally getting the "Part 2" of our awesome Art Camp pictures posted. Hope you enjoy. I know we sure did!

These kids were fantastic and so very creative!

We studied Matisse and cut paper paintings, Monet and creating waterlilies in 3-D with egg cartons and acrylics (fingerprint painting dots of analogous colors to look Impressionistic)

They laughed and cheered and made the whole week so much fun!

We studied artists like Romero Britto, Piet Mondrian, Laurel Burch and Mark Rothko!

They created shimmering foil art with markers and "color field" paintings with pastels.
They made their own little newspaper pet collages, created "A Mixed Media Community" sculptural wall hanging and also experimented with weaving.

They embraced each new challenge and I was super impressed at how much information they retained as I randomly quizzed them through the week.
One of the best parts on the last day was hearing the kids talking about where they were going to hang their artworks in their homes or how they were going to give a special piece to a family member as a surprise gift.
Throughout the week we had a scripture verse that Ms. Jenna worked with the kids on memorizing.
I hope they will take this with them and hold tight to the truth in these words:
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." 
- Ephesians 2:10 NLT

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